Reinventing pedstrian crossings to outsmart our smart cities.


Working alongside CD’s Franki Goodwin and Will John, we brought together urban technologists Umbrellium and NTRL experts to build a working prototype.

Computer vision watched the road, spotting dangers and responding in real-time, using a unique visual language on an interactive road surface, designed by Nathan Crawford. To prove its efficacy, we turned real use cases into a targetted digital campaign.

The innovation story generated millions of impressions and caught the hearts and minds of the nation, as everyone stopped to think about how cities could adapt to keep us safe.

Direct Line shifted public expectation of what the insurance brand experience should be. The crossing even won a World Smart City Award. Today the tech is being trialled and evolved for use in UK cities.

CREDIT: Senior Creative with Will Millner
Creative Directors:
Franki Goodwin & Will John
Design Director: Nathan Crawford